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"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." Welcome to my world of analytics, where data science meets real-world solutions.

About Me.

My name is Yanze Li, and I am currently a Master of Analytics student at UC Berkeley. I received my bachelor's degree in Statistics and Economics from Boston University in 2023. Prior to pursuing advanced degrees, I worked as a Data Analyst at Boston University Research & Computing Service, where my primary roles included providing data consulting services and optimizing computing infrastructures for our high-performance computing clusters. Additionally, I have interned as a Quantitative Researcher at a hedge fund in Shenzhen, China for the past summer, developing alpha strategies for high-frequency trading.



University of California, Berkeley

Master of Analytics

Graduated with a 4.0/4.0 GPA, specializing in Deep Learning and Financial Engineering.


Boston University

B.A. in Statistics and Economics

Graduated Cum Laude. Completed advanced coursework in Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Linear Models, and Game Theory. Contributed to BU SPART! Lab, applying data science to promote social justice.



Large-Scale Data Processing


Data Visualization & Dashboard Development


Statistical Modeling & Deep Learning


Strategic Decision-Making


Financial Modeling & Risk Management

Professional Experience

2023.06 - 2023.08

Quantative Research Intern at Hainan Shengfeng Private Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Contributed to alpha generation by developing event-driven strategies and optimizing executive salary movement alphas in Python, achieving a 10% out-of-sample return;  Developed custom hedging strategies to mitigate short-term ETF investment risks through diversification; Designed a financial data cleaning and conversion pipeline from OracleSQL to binary format in Python

2022.06 - 2023.05

Data Analyst Intern at Boston University Information Service & Technology

Conducted statistical analysis on 20+ million school-affiliated Google accounts in R, creating and presenting a report with over 10 key metrics to support future purchasing decisions; Developed a set of real-time interactive dashboards in R for monitoring research computing cluster usage; Designed an automated system via cron jobs to generate visual reports on monthly computing cluster usage for over 3000 individual and group users, with built-in features to flag unusual activity patterns; Tested 200+ programs/libraries for compatibility with the Linux Rocky8 upgrade process

2022.06 - 2023.05

Project Lead at Boston University Spark! Lab

Led a consulting team of five, conducting statistical analysis and field research on the use of Affordable Housing & Historical Tax Credits for Commonwealth Beacon, presenting findings biweekly to writers; Developed a KNN model in Python to select future tax credit applications based on their 5-year success likelihood, achieving 78% accuracy in predicting outcomes

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